Home manicure and pedicures
Home manicure and pedicures: A weekly home manicure pedicure goes a ling way in keeping the hands in good condition. You can also give your hands a luxury treatment at home.
This section of home manicure and pedicure deals with two things:
1) home manicure
2) home pedicures
What you will need for home manicure:
A bowl for soaking hands, nail clippers, emery board, cotton wool, An orange stick, polish remover, hand cream, nail varnish.
Here is how to give yourself ' at home pedicure '.
- Soak your feet in warm water, adding a few drops of any disinfectant. Scrub your toe nails with a fairly stiff nail-brush. Scrub off any hard skin with a pumice stone. Never try to cut hard skin as this can be dangerous. Dry the feet carefully, especially between the toes.
- Massage the feet with a little foot cream. You may get one containing menthol which is very cooling.
- Apply cuticle cream around the nails.
- Using an orange stick, wrapped with a twist of cotton wool and dipped in cuticle remover, gently press the cuticle back. The cuticle should never be cut unless the edges are ragged.
- Cut the nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery-board. the nails should not be so short that the soft flesh at the ends of the toe is exposed.
- Use a little varnish remover on cotton wool to dry off the nails and remove any cream.
- Cotton wool pads can now be put between the toes. This is to avoid smudging and the varnish applied, covering the whole nail and over the tip.
Special points you should remember during process of home manicure and pedicures.
* Avoid very hot water to soak your hands, as this can dry out the skin and nails.
* Avoid hard nail brushes.
Beautiful hands secrets :
Manicure is a must. But, if going to a salon isn’t possible for you, no worries at all! Pamper your fingers using the following tip and feel heavenly.
Take a bowl and add some luke warm water in it and a few drops of rose water or a perhaps drops of lemon or limejuice. If you want to add a more special touch to your session, add some lovely smelling rose petals, put on your favorite music or movie. Keep your hands soaked in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. The pleasing results will surely bring a big smile on your face.
A coat of nutritive oil for your nails is a brilliant idea. Try using almond oil, apricot oil, castor oil, any nuts oils for this matter, and augment it further by adding a few drops of Vitamin E ( available in a capsule form). Massage in the cuticles and leave it on your hands for 5-10 minutes. Push the cuticles with a nail stick. File your nails properly in the shape you like.
Hands care Home Remedies :

For rough hands take a tspn of sugar and lemon juice. Rub palms till sugar dissolves. Wash of with cold water.
For rough hands boil potatoes, peel them before they get cold. Rub the pulp on hand and fingers.
Mix a few drops of lemon juice and glycerine in whole milk cream. Rub on your hands and fingers at night.
Wash your hands with lemon juice mixed water.
Glycerine mixed with rose water or cucumber juice rubbed on hands cleans the skin.
Massage hands and fingers with almond oil at night
Hands care tips:
Hands are most visible part of body, some home made tips to make your hands beautiful and attractive
For rough hands take a tspn of sugar and lemon juice. Rub palms till sugar dissolves. Wash of with cold water.
For rough hands boil potatoes, peel them before they get cold. Rub the pulp on hand and fingers.
Mix a few drops of lemon juice and glycerine in whole milk cream. Rub on your hands and fingers at night.
Wash your hands with lemon juice mixed water.
Glycerine mixed with rose water or cucumber juice rubbed on hands cleans the skin.
Massage hands and fingers with almond oil at night.
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