Hair Dandruff Solutions
Hair Dandruff Solutions
Sebhorreic dermatitis, also known as dandruff, can be an embarrassing condition. When you have dandruff, your scalp sheds white flakes of dry skin and also can be quite itchy. Treating dandruff usually requires washing your hair with a special medicated shampoo. There are also a variety of home remedies you can try.
Causes of dandruff include shampooing too often or not shampooing often enough, sensitivity to styling products and
skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. According to the Mayo Clinic website, dandruff can also be caused by a fungal infection resulting from an overproduction of a yeast called Malassezia, which lives on most people's scalps without growing out of control. Malassezia feeds on the oils secreted by your hair follicles, which can irritate your scalp and cause an overgrowth of skin cells. When these cells die, they combine with excess oil and cause the white flakes known as dandruff.
skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. According to the Mayo Clinic website, dandruff can also be caused by a fungal infection resulting from an overproduction of a yeast called Malassezia, which lives on most people's scalps without growing out of control. Malassezia feeds on the oils secreted by your hair follicles, which can irritate your scalp and cause an overgrowth of skin cells. When these cells die, they combine with excess oil and cause the white flakes known as dandruff.
Risk Factors
Dandruff is more common in men than women, which might mean that hormones play a role in its production. It is also more common in the young and middle-aged than in the elderly. According to the Mayo Clinic website, people with neurological diseases like Parkinson's and those who have suffered stressful illnesses like heart attack and stroke also might be more prone to dandruff. A diet lacking in B vitamins, zinc and healthy fats also can contribute to the problem.
Home Remedies
Folk remedies for flakes and itching include apple cider vinegar and natural antiseptic oils such as tea tree oil. Mixing equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and pouring it over your head as a final rinse after shampooing can provide relief of mild dandruff. Shampoos containing tea tree, rosemary, mint or eucalyptus oils are widely available in natural foods stores and can provide relief from intense itching. You can also mix a few drops of these oils in 1/8 cup of olive or safflower oil and give yourself a scalp massage.
Medicated Shampoo
Dandruff shampoos often contain an active ingredient called selenium sulfide. Choose an over-the-counter medicated shampoo containing selenium sulfide as a first-line treatment and give it several weeks to work. If you see no improvement, try a salicylic acid or pyritione zinc shampoo next. The last resort should be an antifungal medicated shampoo, which were formerly prescription-only but are now available over the counter. Some "medicated" shampoos list menthol as an active ingredient, because its tingling sensation helps treat itching. However, menthol does not actually eradicate dandruff.
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