Baby Care Tips
The Signs of Hookworm in a Child
Anemia : Majority of the cases of iron-deficiency anemia in children is due to hookworm. The initial days of hookworm infection might not cause any changes in the child’s health; but, after a few days the child will start appearing fatigued and abnormally pale. He might also find it difficult to concentrate on studies. If anemia in a child is not treated at the right time, it might result in learning and behavioral problems.
Fever : The immune system of a child with hookworm infection will try to rid his body from the infection by increasing the temperature of his body. Fever helps in slowing down the growth and spreading of the pathogens; fever due to hookworm infection is generally accompanied with sweating and fatigue.
Rashes and skin discoloration : Hookworm can enter a child’s body in two ways, his digestive tract and skin. Hookworm entering the body by penetrating skin may cause skin inflammation and irritation on the entry site. This might later take the shape of rashes or skin discoloration.
Oral Care for Newborns
Cleaning: Soak a soft and clean washcloth into water and clean the
Nutrition: The tooth and gum health of a baby is significantly influenced by nutrition provided to the baby. Newborns must only be fed either with a formula or breast milk; both these options contain the calories, nutrients and fluids required by a baby. Medical experts suggest avoiding giving water to your baby until he completes one year. During the initial 1 year of a baby’s life, you should also not give him items like honey, sugary drinks and fruit juice etc. Also, never use fluoride containing oral care products until the baby completes 6 months.
Keep a close eye on teeth formation: Babies are not born with teeth; however, each of the twenty primary teeth stays dormant within their jawbones at the time of their birth. Usually, when a baby completes 6 months of age, tooth formation starts. During this phase, you must take care of the teething gums of the baby meticulously. Proper oral care of a teething baby ensures that the teeth formation occurs in a healthy manner, which is known to affect speaking and eating abilities of the baby positively; it might also influence the baby’s appearance.
Using Almond Oil on a Babies Skin
- Take 3 to 4 drops of almond oil and massage it onto the scalp of your baby using gentle and circular strokes. While massaging the scalp, you must only use your finger tips. This scalp massage to loosen up the cradle cap i.e. the scaly rashes having similar features like dandruffs.
- Spread a clean towel over your lap; if the towel is two big, you can fold it according to the size of your baby. Make the baby lie or sit on it.
- If the baby is more than 6 months old, after the scalp massage is done, take 2 to3 drops of the oil on your finger tips and comb across his hair. Massaging almond oil on the scalp and hair is known to promote thick and healthy hair.
- Next take 5 to 10 drops o
f almond oil on your palm and rub both your palms across each other until they get warm. Once, you palms get warm, massage the skin of your baby using those oil laden warm palms. The massage should start from the baby’s arms; you must use gentle strokes starting from his shoulders moving down towards his chest, belly and legs. Finally turn the baby and massage the skin of his back. Massaging the body of the baby using almond oil will stimulate the bodily functions like elimination, digestion, circulation and respiration. It also relaxes the infant’s body and ensures that he gets a sound sleep. Massaging the baby is also known for relieving colic and gas.
Toys You Should Not Buy for a Baby
As majority of the babies have a tendency of putting things in mouth, toys having small parts might crease choking hazards. According to medical experts, one should not allow his or her
Toys that are non-washable:
Every toy must be a washable one. Most medical expert will suggest you to go for only the washable toys while buy toys for your little one. The babies love to taste everything they get in their hands; they will also try to taste their toys. If the toys they are playing with are non-washable, you will not be able to remove the dirt from them as a result of which the baby will end up swallowing the dust particles. Buying washable toys will ensure that you will be able to clean it whenever required and thus successfully prevent the little one from becoming sick.
Balloons are widely used in all the festive events and parties. However, you must make sure that your baby is not using balloons as a play thing. The frequency of choking incidents related to balloon is higher compared to any other playing item.
Today, the market is filled with toys that run on batteries or other electrical items, which might get heated. According to experts, electrical toys that include heating elements must not be used by infants up to 8 years of age. Using such toys will leave the infants at risk of getting accidental burns.
Painted toys:
The metal lead is extremely toxic in nature and gets absorbed easily through skin contact, breathing and ingestion. If you buy toys manufactured outside North America, they are likely to have lead in their paint.
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